CIT325: Lab 6 Instructions
Lab #6: Oracle Assignment
The lab is designed to teach you how to work with cursor loops, SQL collections, and an UPDATE
statement in a range for loop. You will write an anonymous block PL/SQL program that should achieve these objectives:
- Learn how to work user error handling.
- Learn how to log errors to a table, to manage an error stack.
- Learn how to work with stored procedures – inline and autonomous transactions.
- Learn how to call stored procedures.
Business Scenario
Application programs should contain meaningful error handling. The error handling should ideally return an error stack that helps Support Analysts narrow the scope of a problem when one occurs.
This lab shows programmers how to create a stored procedure that captures and logs errors in a stack. A stack is a first-in and last-out (FILO) queue. The stack is stored in a table that lets you return it in any order but you can return it in a last out format by leveraging the surrogate key column and an ORDER BY
Help Section
The following is an set of sample programs and steps that address concepts in the lab. The instructor should review these in classroom or in a Google Hangout with students. Click the Instructional Material link to see the preparation lesson material.
Instructional Material →
The following code shows you how to log data in a table. It shows you how to create the logging table and a stored procedure that will write to the table.
- How to create the
table.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
/* Conditionally drop the NC_ERROR table and NC_ERROR_S1 sequence. */ BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT object_name , object_type FROM user_objects WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(object_name,'^nc_error.*$','i') ORDER BY 2 DESC) LOOP IF i.object_type = 'TABLE' THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE '||i.object_name||' CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; ELSE EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP SEQUENCE '||i.object_name; END IF; END LOOP; END; / /* Create the NC_ERROR table. */ CREATE TABLE nc_error ( error_id NUMBER CONSTRAINT pk_nce PRIMARY KEY , object_name VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT nn_nce_1 NOT NULL , module_name VARCHAR2(30) , class_name VARCHAR2(30) , sqlerror_code VARCHAR2(9) , sqlerror_message VARCHAR2(2000) , user_error_message VARCHAR2(2000) , last_updated_by NUMBER CONSTRAINT nn_nce_2 NOT NULL , last_update_date DATE CONSTRAINT nn_nce_3 NOT NULL , created_by NUMBER CONSTRAINT nn_nce_4 NOT NULL , creation_date DATE CONSTRAINT nn_nce_5 NOT NULL); /* Create the NC_ERROR_S1 sequence. */ CREATE SEQUENCE nc_error_s1;
You can use the following query to verify the record insert:
/* Conditionally drop the common lookup types, table and then objectWHERE. */ BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT object_name FROM user_objects WHERE object_name = 'RECORD_ERRORS') LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP PROCEDURE '||i.object_name; END LOOP; END; / /* Create procedure to record reported errors. */ CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE record_errors ( object_name IN VARCHAR2 , module_name IN VARCHAR2 := NULL , class_name IN VARCHAR2 := NULL , sqlerror_code IN VARCHAR2 := NULL , sqlerror_message IN VARCHAR2 := NULL , user_error_message IN VARCHAR2 := NULL ) IS /* Declare anchored record variable. */ nc_error_record NC_ERROR%ROWTYPE; /* Set procedure to be autonomous. */ PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN /* Substitute actual parameters for default values. */ IF object_name IS NOT NULL THEN nc_error_record.object_name := object_name; END IF; IF module_name IS NOT NULL THEN nc_error_record.module_name := module_name; END IF; IF sqlerror_code IS NOT NULL THEN nc_error_record.sqlerror_code := sqlerror_code; END IF; IF sqlerror_message IS NOT NULL THEN nc_error_record.sqlerror_message := sqlerror_message; END IF; IF user_error_message IS NOT NULL THEN nc_error_record.user_error_message := user_error_message; END IF; /* Insert non-critical error record. */ INSERT INTO nc_error VALUES ( nc_error_s1.NEXTVAL , nc_error_record.object_name , nc_error_record.module_name , nc_error_record.class_name , nc_error_record.sqlerror_code , nc_error_record.sqlerror_message , nc_error_record.user_error_message , 2 , SYSDATE , 2 , SYSDATE); /* Write to logging table. */ COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN; END; /
The following program tests the code:
BEGIN /* Test record_errors procedure. */ record_errors( object_name => 'Test Object' , module_name => 'Test Module' , class_name => 'Test Class' , sqlerror_code => 'ORA-00001' , sqlerror_message => 'ORA-00001: User Error'); END; /
You can query the success of the program with this statement:
SELECT ne.object_name , ne.module_name , ne.sqlerror_code FROM nc_error ne;
It prints:
Lookup Lookup Lookup Object Name MODULE_NAME SQLERROR_ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------- Test Object Test Module ORA-00001
- This section shows you How to create the
procedure. Theinsert_item
procedure will insert only insert a new item into theitem
table when theitem_type
column holds a value of Blu-ray, DVD, HD, or SD and therating_agency_id
column holds a value found in therating_agency
table created by your prior lab – Lab 5.Before you run the rest of these instructional scripts, you must first call your prior Lab 5:
@/home/student/Data/cit325/lab5/apply_plsql_lab5.SQL @/home/student/Data/cit325/lab6/apply_lab6_prep.SQL
After you call the
script, you need to run three DML statements:- You update the foreign key value copied from the primary key of the
table for a row that you want to remove:/* Updates the foreign key value in the item_type column for the row you delete from the common_lookup table. */ UPDATE item SET item_type = (SELECT common_lookup_id FROM common_lookup WHERE common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_TYPE' AND common_lookup_type = 'DVD_WIDE_SCREEN') WHERE item_type = (SELECT common_lookup_id FROM common_lookup WHERE common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_TYPE' AND common_lookup_type = 'DVD_FULL_SCREEN');
- You delete a row from the
table:/* Delete a row from the common_lookup table. */ DELETE FROM common_lookup WHERE common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_TYPE' AND common_lookup_type = 'DVD_FULL_SCREEN';
- You update the
:/* Update the common_lookup_type column value to a new value. */ UPDATE common_lookup SET common_lookup_type = 'DVD' WHERE common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_TYPE' AND common_lookup_type = 'DVD_WIDE_SCREEN';
After the three DML statements, you can successfully create and test the
procedure.CREATE PROCEDURE insert_item ( pv_item_barcode VARCHAR2 , pv_item_type VARCHAR2 , pv_item_title VARCHAR2 , pv_item_subtitle VARCHAR2 := NULL , pv_item_rating VARCHAR2 , pv_item_rating_agency VARCHAR2 , pv_item_release_date DATE ) IS /* Declare local variables. */ lv_item_type NUMBER; lv_rating_id NUMBER; lv_user_id NUMBER := 1; lv_date DATE := TRUNC(SYSDATE); lv_control BOOLEAN := FALSE; /* Declare error handling variables. */ lv_local_object VARCHAR2(30) := 'PROCEDURE'; lv_local_module VARCHAR2(30) := 'INSERT_ITEM'; /* Declare conversion cursor. */ CURSOR item_type_cur ( cv_item_type VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT common_lookup_id FROM common_lookup WHERE common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_TYPE' AND common_lookup_type = cv_item_type; /* Declare conversion cursor. */ CURSOR rating_cur ( cv_rating VARCHAR2 , cv_rating_agency VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT rating_agency_id FROM rating_agency WHERE rating = cv_rating AND rating_agency = cv_rating_agency; /* Enforce logic validation that the rating, rating agency and media type match. This is a user-configuration area and they may need to add validation code for new materials here. */ CURSOR match_media_to_rating ( cv_item_type NUMBER , cv_rating_id NUMBER ) IS SELECT NULL FROM common_lookup cl CROSS JOIN rating_agency ra WHERE common_lookup_id = cv_item_type AND (common_lookup_type IN ('BLU-RAY','DVD','HD','SD') AND rating_agency_id = cv_rating_id AND rating IN ('G','PG','PG-13','R') AND rating_agency = 'MPAA') OR (common_lookup_type IN ('GAMECUBE','PLAYSTATION','XBOX') AND rating_agency_id = cv_rating_id AND rating IN ('C','E','E10+','T') AND rating_agency = 'ESRB'); /* Declare an exception. */ e EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e,-20001); /* Designate as an autonomous program. */ PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN /* Get the foreign key of an item type. */ FOR i IN item_type_cur(pv_item_type) LOOP lv_item_type := i.common_lookup_id; END LOOP; /* Get the foreign key of a rating. */ FOR i IN rating_cur(pv_item_rating, pv_item_rating_agency) LOOP lv_rating_id := i.rating_agency_id; END LOOP; /* Only insert when the two foreign key values are set matches. */ FOR i IN match_media_to_rating(lv_item_type, lv_rating_id) LOOP INSERT INTO item ( item_id , item_barcode , item_type , item_title , item_subtitle , item_desc , item_release_date , rating_agency_id , created_by , creation_date , last_updated_by , last_update_date ) VALUES ( item_s1.NEXTVAL , pv_item_barcode , lv_item_type , pv_item_title , pv_item_subtitle , EMPTY_CLOB() , pv_item_release_date , lv_rating_id , lv_user_id , lv_date , lv_user_id , lv_date ); /* Set control to true. */ lv_control := TRUE; /* Commmit the record. */ COMMIT; END LOOP; /* Raise an exception when required. */ IF NOT lv_control THEN RAISE e; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN record_errors( object_name => lv_local_object , module_name => lv_local_module , sqlerror_code => 'ORA'||SQLCODE , sqlerror_message => SQLERRM , user_error_message => DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE ); RAISE; END; /
The insert into the
table insideinsert_item
procedure will fail at runtime unless you change theitem_rating
columns to nullable or optional columns. You can use the following syntax to change not null constrained or mandatory columns to nullable columns:/* Alter the item table to make columns null allowed. */ ALTER TABLE item MODIFY (item_rating VARCHAR2(8) NULL) MODIFY (item_rating_agency VARCHAR2(4) NULL);
You call the
procedure with the following code:BEGIN insert_item( pv_item_barcode => 'B01IOHVPA8' , pv_item_type => 'DVD' , pv_item_title => 'Jason Bourne' , pv_item_rating => 'PG-13' , pv_item_rating_agency => 'MPAA' , pv_item_release_date => '06-DEC-2016'); END; /
You can query the success of the program with this statement:
COL item_barcode FORMAT A10 HEADING "Item|Barcode" COL item_title FORMAT A30 HEADING "Item Title" COL release_date FORMAT A12 HEADING "Item|Release|Date" SELECT i.item_barcode , i.item_title , i.item_release_date AS release_date FROM item i WHERE i.item_title = 'Jason Bourne';
It prints:
Item Item RELEASE Barcode Item Title DATE ---------- ------------------------------ ------------ B01IOHVPA8 Jason Bourne 06-DEC-16
- You update the foreign key value copied from the primary key of the
- How to create the
procedure. Theinsert_items
procedure lets you insert one or more rows at a time. It calls theinsert_item
procedure in a loop.Before you can create the
procedure you need to create an object type and a collection of the object type. You collect theitem_obj
object type anditem_tab
collection with the following code:/* Conditionally drop the common lookup types, table and then objectWHERE. */ BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT type_name FROM user_types WHERE type_name IN ('ITEM_OBJ','ITEM_TAB') ORDER BY 1 DESC) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TYPE '||i.type_name; END LOOP; END; / /* Create an item object type. */ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE item_obj IS OBJECT ( item_barcode VARCHAR2(20) , item_type VARCHAR2(7) , item_title VARCHAR2(60) , item_subtitle VARCHAR2(60) , item_rating VARCHAR2(8) , item_rating_agency VARCHAR2(4) , item_release_date DATE ); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE item_tab IS TABLE OF item_obj; /
You create the
procedure with the following code:/* Conditionally drop the insert_items procedure. */ BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT object_name FROM user_objects WHERE object_name = 'INSERT_ITEMS') LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP PROCEDURE '||i.object_name; END LOOP; END; / /* Create draft insert_items procedure. */ CREATE PROCEDURE insert_items ( pv_items ITEM_TAB ) IS /* Declare error handling variables. */ lv_local_object VARCHAR2(30) := 'PROCEDURE'; lv_local_module VARCHAR2(30) := 'INSERT_ITEMS'; BEGIN /* Read the list of items and call the insert_item procedure. */ FOR i IN 1..pv_items.COUNT LOOP insert_item( pv_item_barcode => pv_items(i).item_barcode , pv_item_type => pv_items(i).item_type , pv_item_title => pv_items(i).item_title , pv_item_subtitle => pv_items(i).item_subtitle , pv_item_rating => pv_items(i).item_rating , pv_item_rating_agency => pv_items(i).item_rating_agency , pv_item_release_date => pv_items(i).item_release_date ); END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN record_errors( object_name => lv_local_object , module_name => lv_local_module , sqlerror_code => 'ORA'||SQLCODE , sqlerror_message => SQLERRM , user_error_message => DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE ); RAISE; END; /
You call the
procedure with the following code:DECLARE /* Create a collection. */ lv_items ITEM_TAB := item_tab( item_obj( item_barcode => 'B002ZHKZCO' , item_type => 'BLU-RAY' , item_title => 'The Bourne Identity' , item_subtitle => NULL , item_rating => 'PG-13' , item_rating_agency => 'MPAA' , item_release_date => '19-JAN-2010') , item_obj( item_barcode => 'B0068FZ18C' , item_type => 'BLU-RAY' , item_title => 'The Bourne Supremacy' , item_subtitle => NULL , item_rating => 'PG-13' , item_rating_agency => 'MPAA' , item_release_date => '10-JAN-2012') , item_obj( item_barcode => 'B00AIZK85E' , item_type => 'BLU-RAY' , item_title => 'The Bourne Ultimatum' , item_subtitle => NULL , item_rating => 'PG-13' , item_rating_agency => 'MPAA' , item_release_date => '11-DEC-2012') , item_obj( item_barcode => 'B01AT251XY' , item_type => 'BLU-RAY' , item_title => 'The Bourne Legacy' , item_subtitle => NULL , item_rating => 'PG-13' , item_rating_agency => 'MPAA' , item_release_date => '05-APR-2016')); BEGIN /* Call a element processing procedure. */ insert_items(lv_items); END; /
You can query the success of the program with this statement:
COL item_barcode FORMAT A10 HEADING "Item|Barcode" COL item_title FORMAT A30 HEADING "Item Title" COL release_date FORMAT A12 HEADING "Item|Release|Date" SELECT i.item_barcode , i.item_title , i.item_release_date AS release_date FROM item i WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(i.item_title,'^.*bourne.*$','i') ORDER BY i.item_release_date;
It prints:
Item Item RELEASE Barcode Item Title DATE ---------- ------------------------------ ------------ B002ZHKZCO The Bourne Identity 19-JAN-10 B0068FZ18C The Bourne Supremacy 10-JAN-12 B00AIZK85E The Bourne Ultimatum 11-DEC-12 B01AT251XY The Bourne Legacy 05-APR-16 B01IOHVPA8 Jason Bourne 06-DEC-16
Students may want or need supplemental articles that let them review tips and techniques. The following is a function that checks for valid dates inside strings. You should run this type of check after you rule out a number and alphanumeric string.
The lab has one part.
Lab Description
[25 points] Click the Lab Instructions link to open the instructions inside the current webpage.
Lab Instructions →
You need to make several changes to the video store data model. The changes require you to run the following script file before you start the lab:
Preparation Script ↓
This script alters the video store database and runs the setup code, which does the following:
- Modifies the video store database by changing data and data structures.
- Creates the
table. - Creates the
procedure. - Creates the
procedure without error handling. - Creates the
procedure without error handling.
/* Set environment variables. */ SET ECHO ON SET FEEDBACK ON SET PAGESIZE 49999 SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE UNLIMITED /* Run the library files. */ @/home/student/Data/cit325/lib/cleanup_oracle.SQL @/home/student/Data/cit325/lib/Oracle12cPLSQLCode/Introduction/create_video_store.SQL /* Display common_lookup_tab collection and common_lookup_obj type, which should be none because of the cleanup.sql script. */ COL object_name FORMAT A30 HEADING "Object Name" COL object_type FORMAT A30 HEADING "Object Type" SELECT object_name , object_type FROM user_objects WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(object_name,'^common_lookup.*$','i') AND object_type = 'TYPE' ORDER BY 2 DESC; /* Conditionally drop the common lookup types, table and then objectWHERE. */ BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT type_name FROM user_types WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(type_name,'^common_lookup.*$','i') ORDER BY 1 DESC) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TYPE '||i.type_name; END LOOP; END; / /* Create object type. */ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE common_lookup_obj IS OBJECT ( common_lookup_table VARCHAR2(30) , common_lookup_column VARCHAR2(30) , common_lookup_type VARCHAR2(30) , common_lookup_code VARCHAR2(8) , common_lookup_meaning VARCHAR2(255)); / -- Create collection of object type. CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE common_lookup_tab IS TABLE OF common_lookup_obj; / -- Create lookup type. CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE common_lookup_type IS OBJECT ( TYPE VARCHAR2(30) , meaning VARCHAR2(255)); / -- Create collection of lookup type. CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE common_lookup_type_tab IS TABLE OF common_lookup_type; / /* Display common_lookup_tab collection and common_lookup_obj type. */ COL object_name FORMAT A30 HEADING "Object Name" COL object_type FORMAT A30 HEADING "Object Type" SELECT object_name , object_type FROM user_objects WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(object_name,'^common_lookup.*$','i') AND object_type = 'TYPE' ORDER BY 2 DESC; -- Declare anonymous block. DECLARE /* Declare input values. */ lv_common_lookup_table VARCHAR2(30) := 'ITEM'; lv_common_lookup_column VARCHAR2(30) := 'ITEM_TYPE'; lv_common_lookup_code VARCHAR2(8); /* Declare collections of types. */ lv_common_lookup_type_tab COMMON_LOOKUP_TYPE_TAB := common_lookup_type_tab( common_lookup_type('BLU-RAY','Blu-ray') , common_lookup_type('HD','Digital HD') , common_lookup_type('SD','Digital SD') , common_lookup_type('DVD','DVD')); /* Declare empty collection. */ lv_common_lookup_tab COMMON_LOOKUP_TAB := common_lookup_tab(); BEGIN /* Implement assignment of variables inside a loop, which mimics how you would handle them if they were read from a cursor loop. */ FOR i IN 1..lv_common_lookup_type_tab.COUNT LOOP lv_common_lookup_tab.EXTEND; lv_common_lookup_tab(lv_common_lookup_tab.COUNT) := common_lookup_obj( lv_common_lookup_table , lv_common_lookup_column , lv_common_lookup_type_tab(i).TYPE , lv_common_lookup_code , lv_common_lookup_type_tab(i).meaning ); END LOOP; /* Insert the values from the collection into a table. */ FOR i IN 1..lv_common_lookup_tab.COUNT LOOP INSERT INTO common_lookup VALUES ( common_lookup_s1.NEXTVAL , lv_common_lookup_table , lv_common_lookup_column , lv_common_lookup_tab(i).common_lookup_type , lv_common_lookup_code , lv_common_lookup_tab(i).common_lookup_meaning , 1 , SYSDATE , 1 , SYSDATE ); END LOOP; /* Make insert permanent. */ COMMIT; END; / /* Query table for insert. */ COL common_lookup_table FORMAT A12 COL common_lookup_column FORMAT A12 COL common_lookup_type FORMAT A12 SELECT common_lookup_table , common_lookup_column , common_lookup_type FROM common_lookup WHERE common_lookup_type IN ('BLU-RAY','HD','SD','DVD'); /* Update NR to PG-13 ratings. */ UPDATE item SET item_rating = 'PG-13' WHERE item_rating = 'NR'; /* Update an incorrect title. */ UPDATE item SET item_title = 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer''s Stone' WHERE item_title = 'Harry Potter and the Sorcer''s Stone'; /* Remove database trigger to reoranize item ratings. */ DROP TRIGGER item_t1; /* Conditionally drop the common lookup types, table and then objectWHERE. */ BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT type_name FROM user_types WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(type_name,'^item_title.*$','i') ORDER BY 1 DESC) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TYPE '||i.type_name; END LOOP; END; / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE item_title_obj IS OBJECT ( title VARCHAR2(60) , subtitle VARCHAR2(60) , rating VARCHAR2(8)); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE item_title_tab IS TABLE OF item_title_obj; / DESC item /* Remove case descriptors from the subtitle. */ UPDATE item i SET i.item_subtitle = NULL WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^Two-Disc Special Edition.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^2-Disc Special Edition.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^Three-Disc Special Edition.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^Special Edition.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^Special Collector''s Edition.*$','i') -- ' OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^Two-Disc Collector''s Edition.*$','i') -- ' OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^Full Screen Edition.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^2-Disc Full Screen Edition.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^Widescreen Edition.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^Wide Screen Edition.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^Fullscreen Edition.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^Platinum Series Special Extended Edition.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^Fullscreen Special Edition.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^Widescreen Special Edition.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^Unrated Extended Cut Special Edition.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^Unrated Extended Cut Edition.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^2-Disc Ultimate Version.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^PG-13 Full Screen Edition.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(item_subtitle,'^Unrated Extended Cut.*$','i'); SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE UNLIMITED /* Add Blu-ray, HD, and SD. */ DECLARE /* Declare local variable. */ lv_item_barcode VARCHAR2(20); lv_item_type NUMBER; lv_release_date DATE; /* Declare who-audit constants. */ lv_user_id NUMBER := 1; lv_creation_date DATE := TRUNC(SYSDATE); /* Declare a collection of titles. */ lv_item_title_tab ITEM_TITLE_TAB := item_title_tab(); /* Declare new barcode cursor. */ CURSOR update_barcode ( cv_title VARCHAR2 , cv_subtitle VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT DISTINCT REGEXP_REPLACE(i.item_barcode,'B0','B1',1,1) AS barcode , i.item_type , i.item_release_date FROM item i WHERE i.item_title = cv_title AND NVL(i.item_subtitle,'x') = NVL(cv_subtitle,'x'); /* Declare item type cursor. */ CURSOR item_type ( cv_lookup_table VARCHAR2 , cv_lookup_column VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT cl.common_lookup_id FROM common_lookup cl WHERE common_lookup_table = cv_lookup_table AND common_lookup_column = cv_lookup_column AND common_lookup_type IN ('BLU-RAY','HD','SD','DVD'); /* Declare film cursor. */ CURSOR item_title_cur IS SELECT DISTINCT item_title , item_subtitle , item_rating FROM item WHERE item_type IN (SELECT common_lookup_id FROM common_lookup WHERE common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_TYPE' AND common_lookup_type IN ('DVD_FULL_SCREEN' ,'DVD_WIDE_SCREEN' ,'VHS_SINGLE_TAPE' ,'VHS_DOUBLE_TAPE')); BEGIN /* Read list of distinct item titles. */ FOR i IN item_title_cur LOOP lv_item_title_tab.EXTEND; lv_item_title_tab(lv_item_title_tab.COUNT) := item_title_obj( i.item_title , i.item_subtitle , i.item_rating ); END LOOP; FOR i IN 1..lv_item_title_tab.COUNT LOOP /* Generate a new barcode value. */ FOR j IN update_barcode( lv_item_title_tab(i).title , lv_item_title_tab(i).subtitle ) LOOP lv_item_barcode := j.barcode; lv_item_type := j.item_type; lv_release_date := j.item_release_date; END LOOP; /* Read through the item types. */ FOR j IN item_type ('ITEM','ITEM_TYPE') LOOP /* Insert into the item table. */ INSERT INTO item ( item_id , item_barcode , item_type , item_title , item_subtitle , item_desc , item_release_date , item_rating , item_rating_agency , created_by , creation_date , last_updated_by , last_update_date ) VALUES ( item_s1.NEXTVAL , lv_item_barcode , j.common_lookup_id , lv_item_title_tab(i).title , lv_item_title_tab(i).subtitle , EMPTY_CLOB() , lv_release_date , lv_item_title_tab(i).rating ,'MPAA' , lv_user_id , lv_creation_date , lv_user_id , lv_creation_date ); END LOOP; END LOOP; /* Commit the write. */ COMMIT; END; / /* Query the results after the insert to the item table. */ COL TYPE FORMAT A20 COL total FORMAT 99999 SELECT cl.common_lookup_meaning AS TYPE , COUNT(i.item_type) AS total FROM item i INNER JOIN common_lookup cl ON i.item_type = cl.common_lookup_id GROUP BY cl.common_lookup_meaning; /* Display rating_agency table and rating_agency_s sequence, which should be none because of the cleanup.sql script. */ COL object_name FORMAT A30 HEADING "Object Name" COL object_type FORMAT A30 HEADING "Object Type" SELECT object_name , object_type FROM user_objects WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(object_name,'^rating_agency.*$','i') ORDER BY 2 DESC; /* Conditionally drop table and sequence. */ BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT object_name , object_type FROM user_objects WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(object_name,'^rating_agency.*$','i') ORDER BY 2 DESC) LOOP IF i.object_type = 'TABLE' THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE '||i.object_name||' CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; ELSE EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP SEQUENCE '||i.object_name; END IF; END LOOP; END; / /* Create new sequence. */ CREATE SEQUENCE rating_agency_s START WITH 1001; /* Create new table. */ CREATE TABLE rating_agency AS SELECT rating_agency_s.NEXTVAL AS rating_agency_id , il.item_rating AS rating , il.rating_meaning , il.item_rating_agency AS rating_agency , il.rating_agency_meaning FROM (SELECT DISTINCT i.item_rating , cl.common_lookup_meaning AS rating_meaning , i.item_rating_agency , cl.common_lookup_meaning AS rating_agency_meaning FROM item i INNER JOIN common_lookup cl ON i.item_rating_agency = cl.common_lookup_type WHERE cl.common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND cl.common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_RATING_AGENCY') il; /* Fix data incongruency in common lookup table. */ UPDATE common_lookup cl SET cl.common_lookup_code = 'EC' WHERE cl.common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND cl.common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_RATING' AND cl.common_lookup_type = 'ESRB EC'; /* Add missing rating. */ INSERT INTO rating_agency SELECT rating_agency_s.NEXTVAL , cl1.common_lookup_code , cl1.common_lookup_meaning , cl2.common_lookup_type , cl2.common_lookup_meaning FROM common_lookup cl1 CROSS JOIN common_lookup cl2 WHERE cl1.common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND cl1.common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_RATING' AND cl1.common_lookup_code = 'EC' AND cl2.common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND cl2.common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_RATING_AGENCY' AND cl2.common_lookup_code = 'ESRB'; /* Add missing rating. */ INSERT INTO rating_agency SELECT rating_agency_s.NEXTVAL , cl1.common_lookup_code , cl1.common_lookup_meaning , cl2.common_lookup_type , cl2.common_lookup_meaning FROM common_lookup cl1 CROSS JOIN common_lookup cl2 WHERE cl1.common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND cl1.common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_RATING' AND cl1.common_lookup_code = 'E' AND cl2.common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND cl2.common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_RATING_AGENCY' AND cl2.common_lookup_code = 'ESRB'; UPDATE rating_agency ra SET ra.rating_agency_meaning = (SELECT cl.common_lookup_meaning FROM common_lookup cl WHERE cl.common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND cl.common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_RATING_AGENCY' AND ra.rating_agency = cl.common_lookup_type); UPDATE rating_agency ra SET ra.rating_meaning = (SELECT cl.common_lookup_meaning FROM common_lookup cl WHERE cl.common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND cl.common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_RATING' AND ra.rating = cl.common_lookup_code); /* Add a foreign key to table created by query. */ ALTER TABLE rating_agency ADD CONSTRAINT pk_rating_agency PRIMARY KEY (rating_agency_id); /* Describe the item table before changes. */ DESC item /* Add column to table. */ ALTER TABLE item ADD (rating_agency_id NUMBER); /* Describe the item table after adding the column. */ DESC item /* Add foreign key column. */ ALTER TABLE item ADD CONSTRAINT fk_item_4 FOREIGN KEY (rating_agency_id) REFERENCES rating_agency(rating_agency_id); /* Display rating_agency table and rating_agency_s sequence after creation. */ COL object_name FORMAT A30 HEADING "Object Name" COL object_type FORMAT A30 HEADING "Object Type" SELECT object_name , object_type FROM user_objects WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(object_name,'^rating_agency.*$','i') ORDER BY 2 DESC; /* Add the foreign keys that match the RATING_AGENCY table. */ UPDATE item i SET rating_agency_id = (SELECT ra.rating_agency_id FROM rating_agency ra WHERE ra.rating = i.item_rating AND ra.rating_agency = i.item_rating_agency); /* Query results from new rating_agency_id column. */ COL rating_agency_id FORMAT 9999 HEADING "Rating|Agency|ID #" COL rating FORMAT A8 HEADING "Rating" COL rating_agency FORMAT A8 HEADING "Rating|Agency" COL rating_meaning FORMAT A40 HEADING "Rating Meaning" SELECT DISTINCT ra.rating_agency_id , i.item_rating AS rating , i.item_rating_agency AS rating_agency , cl.common_lookup_meaning AS rating_meaning FROM rating_agency ra INNER JOIN item i ON ra.rating = i.item_rating AND ra.rating_agency = i.item_rating_agency INNER JOIN common_lookup cl ON cl.common_lookup_type = i.item_rating_agency WHERE cl.common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND cl.common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_RATING_AGENCY' ORDER BY 3, 2; /* Remove column to table. */ ALTER TABLE item DROP COLUMN item_rating; ALTER TABLE item DROP COLUMN item_rating_agency; /* Query results from new rating_agency_id column. */ COL rating_agency_id FORMAT 9999 HEADING "Rating|Agency|ID #" COL rating FORMAT A6 HEADING "Rating" COL rating_meaning FORMAT A14 HEADING "Rating Meaning" COL rating_agency FORMAT A8 HEADING "Rating|Agency" COL rating_agency_meaning FORMAT A40 HEADING "Rating Agency Meaning" SELECT DISTINCT ra.rating_agency_id , ra.rating , SUBSTR(REGEXP_SUBSTR(ra.rating_meaning,'\s[A-Za-z].*$',1,1),2,14) AS rating_meaning , ra.rating_agency , ra.rating_agency_meaning FROM rating_agency ra LEFT JOIN item i ON ra.rating_agency_id = i.rating_agency_id ORDER BY CASE WHEN ra.rating = 'EC' THEN 1 WHEN ra.rating = 'E' THEN 2 WHEN ra.rating = 'E10+' THEN 3 WHEN ra.rating = 'T' THEN 4 WHEN ra.rating = 'G' THEN 5 WHEN ra.rating = 'PG' THEN 6 WHEN ra.rating = 'PG-13' THEN 7 WHEN ra.rating = 'R' THEN 8 END; /* Alter the rating_agency_id column and make it not null. */ ALTER TABLE item MODIFY (rating_agency_id NUMBER CONSTRAINT nn_item_12 NOT NULL); /* Describe the item table after adding a not null constraint. */ DESC item /* Add the temporal activity missing columns. */ ALTER TABLE common_lookup ADD (begin_date DATE) ADD (end_date DATE); /* Set store opening as default begin date. */ UPDATE common_lookup SET begin_date = '01-JAN-2001' WHERE (common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_TYPE' AND common_lookup_type NOT IN ('BLU-RAY','HD','SD','DVD')) OR NOT (common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_TYPE'); /* Set store opening as secondary default begin date. */ UPDATE common_lookup SET begin_date = TRUNC(SYSDATE) WHERE common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_TYPE' AND common_lookup_type IN ('BLU-RAY','HD','SD','DVD'); /* Set end date on various DVD and VHS formats. */ UPDATE common_lookup cl SET cl.end_date = TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 1 WHERE cl.common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND cl.common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_TYPE' AND REGEXP_LIKE(cl.common_lookup_type,'^(DVD|VHS).+$','i'); /* Obsolete common lookup value for the ITEM table. */ UPDATE common_lookup SET end_date = TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 1 WHERE common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND common_lookup_column IN ('ITEM_RATING','ITEM_RATING_AGENCY'); /* Conditionally drop the NC_ERROR table and NC_ERROR_S1 sequence. */ BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT object_name , object_type FROM user_objects WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(object_name,'^nc_error.*$','i') ORDER BY 2 DESC) LOOP IF i.object_type = 'TABLE' THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE '||i.object_name||' CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; ELSE EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP SEQUENCE '||i.object_name; END IF; END LOOP; END; / /* Create the NC_ERROR table. */ CREATE TABLE nc_error ( error_id NUMBER CONSTRAINT pk_nce PRIMARY KEY , object_name VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT nn_nce_1 NOT NULL , module_name VARCHAR2(30) , class_name VARCHAR2(30) , sqlerror_code VARCHAR2(9) , sqlerror_message VARCHAR2(2000) , user_error_message VARCHAR2(2000) , last_updated_by NUMBER CONSTRAINT nn_nce_2 NOT NULL , last_update_date DATE CONSTRAINT nn_nce_3 NOT NULL , created_by NUMBER CONSTRAINT nn_nce_4 NOT NULL , creation_date DATE CONSTRAINT nn_nce_5 NOT NULL); /* Create the NC_ERROR_S1 sequence. */ CREATE SEQUENCE nc_error_s1; /* Conditionally drop the common lookup types, table and then objectWHERE. */ BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT object_name FROM user_objects WHERE object_name = 'RECORD_ERRORS') LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP PROCEDURE '||i.object_name; END LOOP; END; / /* Create procedure to record reported errors. */ CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE record_errors ( object_name IN VARCHAR2 , module_name IN VARCHAR2 := NULL , class_name IN VARCHAR2 := NULL , sqlerror_code IN VARCHAR2 := NULL , sqlerror_message IN VARCHAR2 := NULL , user_error_message IN VARCHAR2 := NULL ) IS /* Declare anchored record variable. */ nc_error_record NC_ERROR%ROWTYPE; /* Set procedure to be autonomous. */ PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN /* Substitute actual parameters for default values. */ IF object_name IS NOT NULL THEN nc_error_record.object_name := object_name; END IF; IF module_name IS NOT NULL THEN nc_error_record.module_name := module_name; END IF; IF sqlerror_code IS NOT NULL THEN nc_error_record.sqlerror_code := sqlerror_code; END IF; IF sqlerror_message IS NOT NULL THEN nc_error_record.sqlerror_message := sqlerror_message; END IF; IF user_error_message IS NOT NULL THEN nc_error_record.user_error_message := user_error_message; END IF; /* Insert non-critical error record. */ INSERT INTO nc_error VALUES ( nc_error_s1.NEXTVAL , nc_error_record.object_name , nc_error_record.module_name , nc_error_record.class_name , nc_error_record.sqlerror_code , nc_error_record.sqlerror_message , nc_error_record.user_error_message , 2 , SYSDATE , 2 , SYSDATE); /* Write to logging table. */ COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN; END; / /* Anonymous program. */ BEGIN /* Test record_errors procedure. */ record_errors( object_name => 'Test Object' , module_name => 'Test Module' , class_name => 'Test Class' , sqlerror_code => 'ORA-00001' , sqlerror_message => 'ORA-00001: User Error'); END; / /* Query test results. */ SELECT ne.object_name , ne.module_name , ne.sqlerror_code FROM nc_error ne; /* Conditionally drop the insert_item procedure. */ BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT object_name , object_type FROM user_objects WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(object_name,'^insert_item.*$','i') ORDER BY 2 DESC) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP '||i.object_type||' '||i.object_name; END LOOP; END; / /* Create draft insert_item procedure. */ CREATE PROCEDURE insert_item ( pv_item_barcode VARCHAR2 , pv_item_type VARCHAR2 , pv_item_title VARCHAR2 , pv_item_subtitle VARCHAR2 := NULL , pv_item_rating VARCHAR2 , pv_item_rating_agency VARCHAR2 , pv_item_release_date DATE ) IS /* Declare local variables. */ lv_item_type NUMBER; lv_rating_id NUMBER; lv_user_id NUMBER := 1; lv_date DATE := TRUNC(SYSDATE); lv_control BOOLEAN := FALSE; /* Declare error handling variables. */ lv_local_object VARCHAR2(30) := 'PROCEDURE'; lv_local_module VARCHAR2(30) := 'INSERT_ITEM'; /* Declare conversion cursor. */ CURSOR item_type_cur ( cv_item_type VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT common_lookup_id FROM common_lookup WHERE common_lookup_table = 'ITEM' AND common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_TYPE' AND common_lookup_type = cv_item_type; /* Declare conversion cursor. */ CURSOR rating_cur ( cv_rating VARCHAR2 , cv_rating_agency VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT rating_agency_id FROM rating_agency WHERE rating = cv_rating AND rating_agency = cv_rating_agency; /* Enforce logic validation that the rating, rating agency and media type match. This is a user-configuration area and they may need to add validation code for new materials here. */ CURSOR match_media_to_rating ( cv_item_type NUMBER , cv_rating_id NUMBER ) IS SELECT NULL FROM common_lookup cl CROSS JOIN rating_agency ra WHERE common_lookup_id = cv_item_type AND (common_lookup_type IN ('BLU-RAY','DVD','HD','SD') AND rating_agency_id = cv_rating_id AND rating IN ('G','PG','PG-13','R') AND rating_agency = 'MPAA') OR (common_lookup_type IN ('GAMECUBE','PLAYSTATION','XBOX') AND rating_agency_id = cv_rating_id AND rating IN ('C','E','E10+','T') AND rating_agency = 'ESRB'); /* Declare an exception. */ e EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e,-20001); /* Designate as an autonomous program. */ PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN /* Get the foreign key of an item type. */ FOR i IN item_type_cur(pv_item_type) LOOP lv_item_type := i.common_lookup_id; END LOOP; /* Get the foreign key of a rating. */ FOR i IN rating_cur(pv_item_rating, pv_item_rating_agency) LOOP lv_rating_id := i.rating_agency_id; END LOOP; /* Only insert when the two foreign key values are set matches. */ FOR i IN match_media_to_rating(lv_item_type, lv_rating_id) LOOP INSERT INTO item ( item_id , item_barcode , item_type , item_title , item_subtitle , item_desc , item_release_date , rating_agency_id , created_by , creation_date , last_updated_by , last_update_date ) VALUES ( item_s1.NEXTVAL , pv_item_barcode , lv_item_type , pv_item_title , pv_item_subtitle , EMPTY_CLOB() , pv_item_release_date , lv_rating_id , lv_user_id , lv_date , lv_user_id , lv_date ); /* Set control to true. */ lv_control := TRUE; /* Commmit the record. */ COMMIT; END LOOP; /* Raise an exception when required. */ IF NOT lv_control THEN RAISE e; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN record_errors( object_name => lv_local_object , module_name => lv_local_module , sqlerror_code => 'ORA'||SQLCODE , sqlerror_message => SQLERRM , user_error_message => DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE ); RAISE; END; / /* Enable serveroutput. */ SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE UNLIMITED /* Call the insert_item procedure. */ BEGIN insert_item( pv_item_barcode => 'B01IOHVPA8' , pv_item_type => 'DVD' , pv_item_title => 'Jason Bourne' , pv_item_rating => 'PG-13' , pv_item_rating_agency => 'MPAA' , pv_item_release_date => '06-DEC-2016'); END; / /* Query result from the insert_item procedure. */ COL item_barcode FORMAT A10 HEADING "Item|Barcode" COL item_title FORMAT A30 HEADING "Item Title" COL release_date FORMAT A12 HEADING "Item|Release|Date" SELECT i.item_barcode , i.item_title , i.item_release_date AS release_date FROM item i WHERE i.item_title = 'Jason Bourne'; /* Conditionally drop the common lookup types, table and then objectWHERE. */ BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT type_name FROM user_types WHERE type_name IN ('ITEM_OBJ','ITEM_TAB') ORDER BY 1 DESC) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TYPE '||i.type_name; END LOOP; END; / /* Create an item object type. */ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE item_obj IS OBJECT ( item_barcode VARCHAR2(20) , item_type VARCHAR2(7) , item_title VARCHAR2(60) , item_subtitle VARCHAR2(60) , item_rating VARCHAR2(8) , item_rating_agency VARCHAR2(4) , item_release_date DATE ); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE item_tab IS TABLE OF item_obj; / /* Conditionally drop the common lookup types, table and then objectWHERE. */ BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT object_name FROM user_objects WHERE object_name = 'INSERT_ITEMS') LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP PROCEDURE '||i.object_name; END LOOP; END; / /* Create draft insert_items procedure. */ CREATE PROCEDURE insert_items ( pv_items ITEM_TAB ) IS BEGIN /* Read the list of items and call the insert_item procedure. */ FOR i IN 1..pv_items.COUNT LOOP insert_item( pv_item_barcode => pv_items(i).item_barcode , pv_item_type => pv_items(i).item_type , pv_item_title => pv_items(i).item_title , pv_item_subtitle => pv_items(i).item_subtitle , pv_item_rating => pv_items(i).item_rating , pv_item_rating_agency => pv_items(i).item_rating_agency , pv_item_release_date => pv_items(i).item_release_date ); END LOOP; END; / /* Create draft insert_item procedure. */ DECLARE /* Create a collection. */ lv_items ITEM_TAB := item_tab( item_obj( item_barcode => 'B002ZHKZCO' , item_type => 'BLU-RAY' , item_title => 'The Bourne Identity' , item_subtitle => NULL , item_rating => 'PG-13' , item_rating_agency => 'MPAA' , item_release_date => '19-JAN-2010') , item_obj( item_barcode => 'B0068FZ18C' , item_type => 'BLU-RAY' , item_title => 'The Bourne Supremacy' , item_subtitle => NULL , item_rating => 'PG-13' , item_rating_agency => 'MPAA' , item_release_date => '10-JAN-2012') , item_obj( item_barcode => 'B00AIZK85E' , item_type => 'BLU-RAY' , item_title => 'The Bourne Ultimatum' , item_subtitle => NULL , item_rating => 'PG-13' , item_rating_agency => 'MPAA' , item_release_date => '11-DEC-2012') , item_obj( item_barcode => 'B01AT251XY' , item_type => 'BLU-RAY' , item_title => 'The Bourne Legacy' , item_subtitle => NULL , item_rating => 'PG-13' , item_rating_agency => 'MPAA' , item_release_date => '05-APR-2016')); BEGIN /* Call a element processing procedure. */ insert_items(lv_items); END; / /* Query result from the insert_item procedure. */ COL item_barcode FORMAT A10 HEADING "Item|Barcode" COL item_title FORMAT A30 HEADING "Item Title" COL release_date FORMAT A12 HEADING "Item|Release|Date" SELECT i.item_barcode , i.item_title , i.item_release_date AS release_date FROM item i WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(i.item_title,'^.*bourne.*$','i') ORDER BY i.item_release_date; |
The lab requires you to implement:
- Add error handling or an exception block to the
procedure that writes errors to thenc_error
table. - Add error handling or an exception block to the
procedure that writes errors to thenc_error
Test Case
Click the Test Case Instructions link to open the test case instructions inside the current webpage.
Test Case Instructions →
The apply_plsql_lab6.sql
script should test that you’ve successfully written the following error log entries.
- Like Lab 2.1 and Lab 5, you need to re-run the setup code with each test. However, unlike those labs, you should call the
script as follows:@/home/student/Data/cit325/lab5/apply_plsql_lab5.sql @/home/student/Data/cit325/lab6/apply_lab6_prep.sql
- You need to test a call to the
procedure, which is included in theapply_lab6_prep.sq
l script. After you’ve added the exception handling block and made the procedure an autonomous transaction.The first test shouldn’t raise an exception, which you can do with the following script:
DECLARE /* Declare the local error handling variables. */ lv_local_object VARCHAR2(30) := 'ANONYMOUS'; lv_local_module VARCHAR2(30) := 'LOCAL'; BEGIN insert_item( pv_item_barcode => 'B01LTHWTHO' , pv_item_type => 'DVD' , pv_item_title => 'Inferno' , pv_item_rating => 'PG-13' , pv_item_rating_agency => 'MPAA' , pv_item_release_date => '24-JAN-2017'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN record_errors( object_name => lv_local_object , module_name => lv_local_module , sqlerror_code => 'ORA'||SQLCODE , sqlerror_message => SQLERRM , user_error_message => DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE); RAISE; END; /
You can use the following to query results:
COL item_barcode FORMAT A10 HEADING "Item|Barcode" COL item_title FORMAT A48 HEADING "Item Title" COL release_date FORMAT A12 HEADING "Item|Release|Date" SELECT i.item_barcode , i.item_title , i.item_release_date AS release_date FROM item i WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(i.item_title,'^.*bourne.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(i.item_title,'^.*inferno.*$','i');
The query should prints:
Item Item RELEASE Barcode Item Title DATE ---------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------ B01IOHVPA8 Jason Bourne 06-DEC-16 B002ZHKZCO The Bourne Identity 19-JAN-10 B0068FZ18C The Bourne Supremacy 10-JAN-12 B00AIZK85E The Bourne Ultimatum 11-DEC-12 B01AT251XY The Bourne Legacy 05-APR-16 B01LTHWTHO Inferno 24-JAN-17
- You need to test a call to the
procedure for a set of entries after you’ve added the exception handling block and made the procedure an autonomous transaction. Both tests shouldn’t raise exceptions, which you can do with the following script:DECLARE /* Declare the local error handling variables. */ lv_local_object VARCHAR2(30) := 'ANONYMOUS'; lv_local_module VARCHAR2(30) := 'LOCAL'; /* Create a collection. */ lv_items ITEM_TAB := item_tab( item_obj( item_barcode => 'B0084IG7KC' , item_type => 'BLU-RAY' , item_title => 'The Hunger Games' , item_subtitle => NULL , item_rating => 'PG-13' , item_rating_agency => 'MPAA' , item_release_date => '18-AUG-2012') , item_obj( item_barcode => 'B008JFUS8M' , item_type => 'BLU-RAY' , item_title => 'The Hunger Games: Catching Fire' , item_subtitle => NULL , item_rating => 'PG-13' , item_rating_agency => 'MPAA' , item_release_date => '07-MAR-2014')); BEGIN /* Call a element processing procedure. */ insert_items(lv_items); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN record_errors( object_name => lv_local_object , module_name => lv_local_module , sqlerror_code => 'ORA'||SQLCODE , sqlerror_message => SQLERRM , user_error_message => DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE); RAISE; END; /
You can use the following to query results:
COL item_barcode FORMAT A10 HEADING "Item|Barcode" COL item_title FORMAT A36 HEADING "Item Title" COL release_date FORMAT A12 HEADING "Item|Release|Date" SELECT i.item_barcode , i.item_title , i.item_release_date AS release_date FROM item i WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(i.item_title,'^.*bourne.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(i.item_title,'^.*inferno.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(i.item_title,'^.*hunger.*$','i') ORDER BY CASE WHEN REGEXP_LIKE(i.item_title,'^.*bourne.*$','i') THEN 1 WHEN REGEXP_LIKE(i.item_title,'^.*hunger.*$','i') THEN 2 WHEN REGEXP_LIKE(i.item_title,'^.*inferno.*$','i') THEN 3 END , i.item_release_date;
The query should prints:
Item Item RELEASE Barcode Item Title DATE ---------- ------------------------------------ ------------ B002ZHKZCO The Bourne Identity 19-JAN-10 B0068FZ18C The Bourne Supremacy 10-JAN-12 B00AIZK85E The Bourne Ultimatum 11-DEC-12 B01AT251XY The Bourne Legacy 05-APR-16 B01IOHVPA8 Jason Bourne 06-DEC-16 B0084IG7KC The Hunger Games 18-AUG-12 B008JFUS8M The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 07-MAR-14 B01LTHWTHO Inferno 24-JAN-17
- You need to test a second call to the
procedure for a set of entries. The first one complies with business rule that synchronizes foreign key values and the second one doesn’t. You can do with the following script:DECLARE /* Declare the local error handling variables. */ lv_local_object VARCHAR2(30) := 'ANONYMOUS'; lv_local_module VARCHAR2(30) := 'LOCAL'; /* Create a collection. */ lv_items ITEM_TAB := item_tab( item_obj( item_barcode => 'B00PYLT4YI' , item_type => 'BLU-RAY' , item_title => 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1' , item_subtitle => NULL , item_rating => 'PG-13' , item_rating_agency => 'MPAA' , item_release_date => '06-MAR-2015') , item_obj( item_barcode => 'B0189HKE5Q' , item_type => 'XBOX' , item_title => 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2' , item_subtitle => NULL , item_rating => 'PG-13' , item_rating_agency => 'MPAA' , item_release_date => '22-MAR-2016')); BEGIN /* Call a element processing procedure. */ insert_items(lv_items); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN record_errors(object_name => lv_local_object ,module_name => lv_local_module , sqlerror_code => 'ORA'||SQLCODE ,sqlerror_message => SQLERRM ,user_error_message => DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE); RAISE; END; /
You can use the following to query results:
COL item_barcode FORMAT A10 HEADING "Item|Barcode" COL item_title FORMAT A36 HEADING "Item Title" COL release_date FORMAT A12 HEADING "Item|Release|Date" SELECT i.item_barcode , i.item_title , i.item_release_date AS release_date FROM item i WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(i.item_title,'^.*bourne.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(i.item_title,'^.*inferno.*$','i') OR REGEXP_LIKE(i.item_title,'^.*hunger.*$','i') ORDER BY CASE WHEN REGEXP_LIKE(i.item_title,'^.*bourne.*$','i') THEN 1 WHEN REGEXP_LIKE(i.item_title,'^.*hunger.*$','i') THEN 2 WHEN REGEXP_LIKE(i.item_title,'^.*inferno.*$','i') THEN 3 END , i.item_release_date;
The query should prints, which shows the first element in the collection succeeded while the second element failed. That’s why the query only returns the row for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1:
Item Item RELEASE Barcode Item Title DATE ---------- ------------------------------------ ------------ B002ZHKZCO The Bourne Identity 19-JAN-10 B0068FZ18C The Bourne Supremacy 10-JAN-12 B00AIZK85E The Bourne Ultimatum 11-DEC-12 B01AT251XY The Bourne Legacy 05-APR-16 B01IOHVPA8 Jason Bourne 06-DEC-16 B0084IG7KC The Hunger Games 18-AUG-12 B008JFUS8M The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 07-MAR-14 B00PYLT4YI The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 06-MAR-15 B01LTHWTHO Inferno 24-JAN-17
- The last thing you need to check is what has been written to the
table. You can use the following query to check thenc_error
table:COL error_id FORMAT 999999 HEADING "Error|ID #" COL object_name FORMAT A20 HEADING "Object Name" COL module_name FORMAT A20 HEADING "Module Name" COL sqlerror_code FORMAT A10 HEADING "Error|ID #" SELECT ne.error_id , ne.object_name , ne.module_name , ne.sqlerror_code FROM nc_error ne ORDER BY 1 DESC;
It prints:
Error Error ID # Object Name Module Name ID # ------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- 3 ANONYMOUS LOCAL ORA-20001 2 PROCEDURE INSERT_ITEM ORA-20001 1 Test Object Test Module ORA-00001