Database Tutorial

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Lab #2: Create Tables

Learn about records, tables, Data Definition Language (DDL) commands, and database constraints.

Lab Description

The lab requires you modify scripts that create and unit test ten tables. The integration script calls the ten unit test programs, which you can find in the following directory:


The lab has fourteen parts, which you find after clicking on the Lab Instructions link. The steps are:

  • Step 1: Set up the Lab 2 directory.
  • Step 2: Review a tutorial on editing the unit test scripts.
  • Step 3: Edit the system_user_lab.sql script file.
  • Step 4: Edit the common_lookup_lab.sql script file.
  • Step 5: Edit the member_lab.sql script file.
  • Step 6: Edit the contact_lab.sql script file.
  • Step 7: Edit the address_lab.sql script file.
  • Step 8: Edit the street_address_lab.sql script file.
  • Step 9: Edit the telephone_lab.sql script file.
  • Step 10: Edit the rental_lab.sql script file.
  • Step 11: Edit the item_lab.sql script file.
  • Step 12: Edit the rental_item_lab.sql script file.
  • Step 13: Edit the apply_oracle_lab2.sql script file by adding a query.
  • Step 14: Edit the apply_oracle_lab2.sql script file by adding a query.

Written by michaelmclaughlin

August 7th, 2018 at 9:14 am

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