Database Tutorial

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Automatic Numbering

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The first thing to qualify is that Oracle is generally always in a transactional mode. That means you don’t need to do anything special to set this example up.

Oracle doesn’t support automated numbering in tables. However, you can use sequences to mimic automated numbering. A sequence is a structure in the database that holds a current value, increments by a fixed value – typically 1. Sequences are available in SQL and PL/SQL scopes through two pseudo columns. The pseudo columns are .nextval and .currval (note the two r’s because it’s not a stray dog).

The sequence_name.nextval call in any session places the next number from the sequence into your Personal Global Area (PGA), which is a memory context. After you’ve called the sequence into memory, you can access it again by using sequence_name.currval. The sequence only changes when you call it again with the .nextval pseudo column.

You can use .nextval to insert into a single table without much effort. When you work with more than a single table, you insert data starting with the independent table, and then work your way down to the most dependent table. This is because you need a primary key before you can insert a foreign key.

Whether through automatic numbering or Oracle’s pseudo columns, automatic numbering involves a surrogate primary key. A surrogate key doesn’t describe any of the data, and should never be thought of as a replacement for normalization because descriptive column values should do that. You may provide a null value in place of the column_name.nextval pseudo column for a primary key column provided you’ve implemented a database trigger (an example is found below). Alternatively, you may use an overriding list of columns that excludes the primary key column. At a minimum, you must provide all mandatory columns when you opt to use an overriding signature and exclude the primary key column from the INSERT statement. However, this approach also requires that you’ve previously implemented a database trigger.

As discussed above, Oracle’s session automatically captures the current sequence value. You simply refer to it by the other .currval pseudo column when you use an INSERT statement for a foreign key column.

This example demonstrates how you use both pseudo columns in a transaction across multiple tables.

-- Conditionally drop data sturctures - tables and sequences.
            FROM   user_tables
            WHERE  TABLE_NAME IN ('ONE','TWO')) LOOP
  FOR i IN (SELECT sequence_name
            FROM   user_sequences
            WHERE  sequence_name IN ('ONE_S1','TWO_S1')) LOOP
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP SEQUENCE '||i.sequence_name;
-- Create base table and sequence.
( one_id   INT         NOT NULL CONSTRAINT pk_one PRIMARY KEY
, one_text VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL );
-- Create dependent table and sequence.
( two_id   INT         NOT NULL CONSTRAINT pk_two PRIMARY KEY
, one_id   INT         NOT NULL
, two_text VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL );
-- Insert rows into the tables with sequence values.
INSERT INTO one VALUES (one_s1.nextval,'One!');
INSERT INTO one VALUES (one_s1.nextval,'Two!');
INSERT INTO two VALUES (two_s1.nextval, one_s1.currval,'Other Two!');
-- Display the values inserted with sequences.
SELECT   o.one_id
,        o.one_text
,        t.two_id
,        t.two_text
FROM     one o JOIN two t ON o.one_id = t.one_id;

If you mimic automatic numbering with database triggers, you may not have access to the .currval value for the second INSERT statement. This occurs when you provide a NULL value expecting the trigger to manage .NEXTVAL call for you.

Transactions require that you keep the primary key value for the first table in a locally scoped variable for reuse. Then, you can pass it to the next INSERT statement. You do that with the .CURRVAL value.

You can make a potentially erroneous assumption that you’re the only user updating the table. Operating under that assumption, you can query the highest sequence number from the table before an insert, add one to it, and then attempt the INSERT statement. In a multi-user system, it’s possible that somebody beats you to the finish line with their INSERT statement. Your insert would then have a duplicate surrogate key value for the one_id column, and fail on an ORA-00001 error for a uniqueness violation on a primary key column.

A database trigger can help you avoid a race condition. The trigger would ensure sequence values are unique but it may also introduce problems. A common Oracle trigger with a pseudo automatic numbering paradigm is represented by the following trigger (found in APEX generated code).

  :NEW.one_id := one_s1.nextval;

Caution is required on this type of automated sequence trigger. There are two problems with this type of trigger.

One scenario is where you include a call to sequence_name.NEXTVAL in your INSERT statement. It then increments the sequence, and attempts to insert the value whereupon the trigger fires and repeats the behavior. Effectively, this type of logic creates a sequence that increments by one when you submit a null value in the values clause and by two when you submit a sequence_name.NEXTVAL value.

Another scenario occurs when you attempt a bulk INSERT operation on the table. The sequence call and substitution occurs on each row of the sequence.

You face another problem when you rewrite the trigger to only fire when a surrogate primary key isn’t provided, like this:

  :NEW.one_id := one_s1.nextval;

This trigger design causes a problem only with bulk INSERT statements. Effectively, the sequence remains unaltered when you provide surrogate key values as part of inserting an array of values. The next non-bulk INSERT statement would then grab the .NEXTVAL value, attempt to use it, and raise a unique constraint violation because the bulk operation probably already used the value from the sequence.

The fix to bulk operations requires that you lock the table, disable a trigger like this, and get the .NEXTVAL value. Then, you assign the .NEXTVAL value to two local variables. One of these remains unchanged while the other increments as you populate the array for the bulk insert operation. After assigning the result from the .NEXTVAL, you drop the sequence and find the highest key value for the bulk insertion operation, add one to the highest key value, and store it in another locally stored variable. You perform the bulk insert operation and then recreate the sequence with a value one greater than the highest value in the table, which should already be in a locally scored variable. Don’t forget that you’d locked the table, so unlock it now.

You should note that database triggers run in a subshell with access only to the immediate shell that fired them. Therefore, you can’t set a bind variable in a SQL*Plus session and subsequently reference it inside the trigger body because it doesn’t have access to the variable.

The INSERT statement would change from a default signature, which is the positional order set when you created the table. The override signature replaces the default signature by providing a list of columns that matches the list of values in the VALUES clause. At a minimum, you must provide all mandatory columns. The automated numbering primary key (or surrogate key) is a mandatory column but you can provide a NULL value that will let the trigger grab the next sequence value and assign it to the INSERT statement.

-- Insert rows into the tables with sequence values and a database trigger.
INSERT INTO one (one_id, one_text) VALUES (one_s1.nextval,'One!');
INSERT INTO one (one_id, one_text) VALUES (one_s1.nextval,'Two!');
INSERT INTO two (two_id, one_id, two_text) VALUES (two_s1.nextval, one_s1.currval,'Other Two!');

Written by michaelmclaughlin

August 13th, 2018 at 1:45 pm

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