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CIT225: Lab 1 Instructions

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Lab #1: Linux & Oracle Environments


The lab teaches you how to work with the Linux and Oracle environments. It requires you to download and install on your local Windows-based computer a copy of VMware Workstation or on your local MacOS-based computer a copy of VMware Fusion from

When installing VMware on our machine, choose the free 30 day installation option. You will receive an email with a code for a free copy of the software on Friday of the first week of class. The email will instruct you in how you convert your free 30-day license to a one-year license at no cost to you.

Secure a copy of the VMware instance for the course from the URL or from the instructor. After you have downloaded and installed VMware, open the VMware instance with VMware Workstation or VMware Fusion. When prompted whether you copied it or moved it, choose moved it.

After you have a working VMware instance, the lap helps you learn:

  1. How to the Gnome menus of the Linux environment
  2. How to use the Linux Command-Line Interface (CLI)
  3. How to connect to SQL*Plus as the student user
  4. How to use the SQL*Plus environment
  5. How to write, run, and unit test a small script file to create tables
  6. How to write, run, and unit test a small script file to add data to the tables

Business Scenario

Building data-centric application software requires a working environment. When you arrive at a new employer, you need to learn how to work effectively in their environment.

The lab is designed to teach you how work in the Linux and Oracle environment for the course. Your ability to succeed in the course depends on whether you dedicate adequate time to understand how the environment and command-line SQL*Plus interfaces work.

Help Section

There are many moving parts in the Linux and Oracle environment. You are asked to do the following three things before beginning the weekly lab assignment.

You are asked to review the following preparation material:

Oracle’s APEX tool is a browser-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Oracle’s SQL Developer is a Java-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

The lab has five parts. The individual parts are explained in the lab detail.

Lab Description

[20 points] Click the Lab Instructions link to open the instructions inside the current webpage.

The lab requires that you test the elements of the environment and write one integration script. The integration script calls two unit test programs found in the following directory:


Please perform these tasks after you have downloaded VMware and opened the Fedora virtual instance.

Written by michaelmclaughlin

April 22nd, 2018 at 5:38 pm

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