Database Tutorial

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Lab #7: SELECT-list Decision Making

Learn how to use the CASE operator to perform calculations in the SELECT-list of a query, re-enforce skills on how you use the INSERT statement, and learn how to update column values through correlated UPDATE statements.

Lab Description

You re-enforce skills writing INSERT statements, learn how to use a correlated UPDATE statement to set all empty column values in a table, and learn how to use the CASE operator to perform conditional calculations.

The lab has four parts, which you find after clicking on the Lab Instructions link. The steps are:

  • Step 1: Add two new rows for the active_flag column in the price table to the common_lookup table.
  • Step 2: Add six new rows in the common_lookup table:

    1. Add three new rows for the price_type column in the price table to the common_lookup table.
    2. Add three new rows for the rental_item_type column in the rental_item table to the common_lookup table.

  • Step 3: Update the rental_item_type column of the rental_item table with values derived from a correlated subquery.
  • Step 4: Write a query that uses negation logic and uses three CASE operators in the SELECT-list; and you should resolve the query in the following sequence:
    1. Solve the WHERE clause first by returning 135 rows from query, which you can do with the following SELECT-list:

      COLUMN row_count FORMAT 99999 HEADING "Row|Count"
      SELECT   COUNT(*) AS row_count
      FROM     item i CROSS JOIN (subquery) CROSS JOIN (subquery) JOIN (subquery)
      WHERE    cl.common_lookup_table = 'PRICE'
      AND      cl.common_lookup_column = 'PRICE_TYPE'
      AND NOT ( ... implement logic "A" ...)
      ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;

      It should return:

    2. Solve the CASE operator logic for the start_date column.
    3. Solve the CASE operator logic for the end_date column.
    4. Solve the CASE operator logic for the amount column.

Written by michaelmclaughlin

August 13th, 2018 at 11:23 am

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