Lesson 9: LAMP
This lesson discusses client-server and n-tier computing practices. The older architecture is client-server and the newer architecture is n-tier computing. The former wasn’t scalable and required each client to hold a copy of the application programming interface, or interactive forms. The latter is scalable differently based on which languages are used to deploy it.
Whether you opt to implement client-server models or web-based n-tier computing models is still a valid question because of security and access requirements. Both approaches are user interfaces (UI) to databases. They’re models that support database centric development practices.
You’re introduced to client-server architecture in this lesson to lay a foundation of knowledge for n-tier computing models. Lesson #9 focuses on n-tier computing frameworks involving LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and Perl, PHP, or Python) stacks. It demonstrates these by having you configure the Zend Community Server to run with an Oracle and MySQL database. OPAL (Oracle, Perl, PHP or Python, Apache, and Linux) is the LAMP stack with an Oracle database.
No code is displayed for the client-server model until Lesson #10. Lesson #10 shows you how to create basic models that interact with the database. This type of application is very critical on highly sensitive data, and for installation programs that must run across multiple operating system platforms.
- Client Server Architecture
- This shows you how client-server applications cooperatively share resources across a network and leverage a data repository.
- LAMP (N-Tier) Computing Architecture
- This shows you how n-tier computing models work cooperatively across two or more tiers to share resources across a network and leverage a scalable application and data tier.
- Basic PHP Tutorial
- This provides you with a basic PHP tutorial. It limits itself to the basics of the PHP language and the aspects that you’ll need to understand for the lab assignments.
- MySQL Text/Blob Processing
- This shows you how to configure and test the LAMP stack with PHP and a MySQL database, large text fields and binary image objects.
- MySQL Text/Blob Processing
- This shows you how to configure and test the LAMP stack with PHP and a MySQL database, large text fields and binary image objects.
- Oracle LOB Processing
- This shows you how to configure and test the OPAL stack with PHP and an Oracle database, large text fields (known in Oracle parlance as CLOBs – Character Large Objects) and binary image objects (known as BLOBs – Binary Large Objects.
- Zend Server Installation
- This shows you how to install and configure the Zend Community Server 4.x, which includes an Apache 2.2 server.