Database Tutorial

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Lab #13 : LAMP

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This is an extra credit lab and it applies concepts learned throughout the tutorial. Here you’ll install some PHP and HTML files to run a small application that uploads large text and binary image files.

LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl, PHP, Python) has many derivative labels. It is a platform that deploys Apache Modules instead of CGI (Common Gateway Interface) Server-Side Includes (SSIs). In lieu of Java, C#, or C++, this stack uses common scripting languages, like Perl, PHP, or Python. They each have benefits and hurdles but they’re free of licensing expense to companies that deploy them. Alternatively, you can implement Microsoft’s Internet Information Services (IIS) as a web server.

The following are the most widely used:

  • LAMP – Linux, Apache, MySQL, and Perl, PHP, or Python
  • MAMP – Mac OS X, Apache, MySQL, and Perl, PHP, or Python
  • OLAP – Oracle, Linux, Apache, and Perl, PHP, or Python
  • OWAP – Oracle, Windows, Apache, and Perl, PHP, or Python
  • SAMP – Solaris, Apache, MySQL, and Perl, PHP, or Python
  • WAMP – Windows, Apache, MySQL, and Perl, PHP, or Python
  • WIMP – Windows, Internet Information Services (IIS), MySQL, and Perl, PHP, or Python
  • XAMPP – Cross (X) Platform, Apache, MariaDB (Open Source MySQL), PHP and Perl

The following detailed instructions walk you through the lab objectives. They should help you see and understand how relational databases support real time web applications.

  1. [2 points] Create a lob subdirectory in the /var/www/html directory.
  1. [2 points] Create the following files with the source code provided in the /var/www/html/lob directory, or copy the following files from their staged location in Fedora’s instance. The files are stored in the /home/student/Data/cit225/mysql/web directory.
  1. [2 points] Create a client directory in the /home/student/Data/cit225/mysql directory./li>

  1. [2 points] Create image and text directories in the /home/student/Data/cit225/mysql/client directory.

  1. [2 points] You can find the text files that you need to download for the lab in this Text File zip file. Unzip it into the /home/student/Data/mysql/client/text directory.

  1. [2 points] You can find the text files that you need to download for the lab in this Image File zip file. Unzip it into the /home/student/Data/mysql/client/image directory.

  1. [2 points] Connect to MySQL using the studentdb database and run the create_mysql_store_ri2.sql and seed_mysql_store_ri2.sql script files.
  1. [2 points] Modify the item table by adding both a large text and binary image column in the studentdb database. Label the large text column item_desc and use the text data type. Label the binary image column item_blob and use the mediumblob data type. Open the following instruction details to see the statement syntax.
  1. [2 points] Test with the UploadItemDescMySQLForm.htm form.

  1. [2 points] Test with the UploadItemBlobMySQLForm.htm form.

Written by michaelmclaughlin

March 25th, 2010 at 11:25 pm

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