MERGE Use Case
statement performs an if-then logic. It lets you insert a new record when a condition is met, or it lets you update an existing record when it isn’t met. The MERGE
statement lets you perform the insert or update in a single SQL statement. It’s very handy but has a couple things that might trip you up.
statement is implemented in Oracle and SQL Server but MySQL uses an ON DUPLICATE KEY
clause. As qualified it is possible to write an ON DUPLICATE KEY
statement that appears successful but may duplicate rows where no unique database-level constraint prevents it.
Oracle’s MERGE
statement is very thorough but it takes a LOT of typing. The upside from my perspective is that it enforces that you must use the primary key column to avoid writing a duplicate row. The same can be said for SQL Server but not for the ON DUPLICATE KEY
clause used by MySQL.
Here’s a quick example that you can cut and paste into your environment for Oracle Database 11g. The only differences between the Oracle implementation are PL/SQL to T-SQL specific conditional table drop syntax, and the FROM dual
component in the subquery.
-- Conditionally drop the table and sequence. BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT NULL FROM user_tables WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'SYSTEM_USER') LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE system_user CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; END LOOP; FOR i IN (SELECT NULL FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name = 'SYSTEM_USER_S1') LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP SEQUENCE system_user_s1'; END LOOP; END; / -- Create the table. CREATE TABLE system_user ( system_user_id NUMBER CONSTRAINT pk_su PRIMARY KEY , system_user_name VARCHAR2(20) CONSTRAINT nn_su_1 NOT NULL , system_user_group_id NUMBER CONSTRAINT nn_su_2 NOT NULL , system_user_type NUMBER CONSTRAINT nn_su_3 NOT NULL , first_name VARCHAR2(20) , middle_name VARCHAR2(10) , last_name VARCHAR2(20) , created_by NUMBER CONSTRAINT nn_su_4 NOT NULL , creation_date DATE CONSTRAINT nn_su_5 NOT NULL , last_updated_by NUMBER CONSTRAINT nn_su_6 NOT NULL , last_update_date DATE CONSTRAINT nn_su_7 NOT NULL); -- Create the sequence with a default start value of 1. CREATE SEQUENCE system_user_s1; -- Insert new row. INSERT INTO system_user VALUES ( system_user_s1.nextval , 'SYSADMIN' , 1 , 1 , NULL , NULL , NULL , 1 , SYSDATE - 1 , 1 , SYSDATE - 1); -- Insert new or merge into existing row. MERGE INTO system_user target USING (SELECT 1 AS system_user_id , 'SYSADMIN' AS system_user_name , 1 AS system_user_group_id , 1 AS system_user_type , 'Samuel' AS first_name , 'the' AS middle_name , 'Lamanite' AS last_name , 1 AS created_by , SYSDATE AS creation_date , 1 AS last_updated_by , SYSDATE AS last_update_date FROM dual) SOURCE ON (target.system_user_id = SOURCE.system_user_id) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET first_name = 'Samuel' , middle_name = 'the' , last_name = 'Lamanite' , last_updated_by = 1 , last_update_date = SYSDATE WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT ( target.system_user_id , target.system_user_name , target.system_user_group_id , target.system_user_type , target.first_name , target.middle_name , target.last_name , target.created_by , target.creation_date , target.last_updated_by , target.last_update_date ) VALUES ( SOURCE.system_user_id , SOURCE.system_user_name , SOURCE.system_user_group_id , SOURCE.system_user_type , SOURCE.first_name , SOURCE.middle_name , SOURCE.last_name , SOURCE.created_by , SOURCE.creation_date , SOURCE.last_updated_by , SOURCE.last_update_date ); |
It’s possible that you could run into an ORA-30926
error. The problem is explained in this blog entry.