Database Tutorial

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Records are a specialized compound data type. Each record is defined by two or more members. The members have position, types, and names. The position is determined by a 1-based numbering system, which means the first member is one, the second member is two, and so forth. Each member has a unique type, and data types are specific to the database management system (DBMS). Each member also has a unique name, which is unique inside the record.

When you define a record or structure (struct) you create a new data type. You can use that data type as a standalone variable or as the base-type of an array or list.

You create tables by defining a list of a record type. Essentially, all tables are stored lists stored in a data repository. The member names of the record are synonymous with the column names of a table.

Written by michaelmclaughlin

August 6th, 2018 at 10:25 pm

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