Database Tutorial

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Lab #3: Modeling Data

Learn data modeling definitions, theory, and normalization process; learn how to use common lookup tables; who-audit columns to manage row-level security; and the INSERT statement.

Lab Description

The lab requires you modify scripts that create and unit test ten tables. The integration script calls the ten unit test programs, which you can find in the following directory:


The lab has fourteen parts, which you find after clicking on the Lab Instructions link. The steps are:

  • Step 1: Disable two foreign key constraints in the SYSTEM_USER_LAB table.
  • Step 2: Remove two not null constraints SYSTEM_USER_LAB.
  • Step 3: Insert one row into the SYSTEM_USER_LAB table.
  • Step 4: Disable two foreign key constraints in the COMMON_LOOKUP_LAB table.
  • Step 5: Insert 20 rows rows into the COMMON_LOOKUP_LAB table.
  • Step 6: Query the 20 inserted rows from the COMMON_LOOKUP_LAB table.
  • Step 7: Write two queries against the COMMON_LOOKUP_LAB table.
  • Step 8: Update the SYSTEM_USER_LAB table with the subqueries from Step 7..
  • Step 9: Enable two foreign key constraints in the SYSTEM_USER_LAB and COMMON_LOOKUP tables.
  • Step 10: Enable two foreign key constraints in the SYSTEM_USER_LAB table.
  • Step 11: Write two INSERT statement for the SYSTEM_USER_LAB table.
  • Step 12: Query the SYSTEM_USER_LAB table to verify the three inserts into the table.

Written by michaelmclaughlin

August 13th, 2018 at 12:04 am

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