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1NF Modeling

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Week 3: Reading

The following are the reading articles:

1st Normal Form (1NF)

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how to define and apply First Normal Form (1NF).

Lesson Materials

First Normal Form (1NF) exists when all columns, or attributes, of a table have a single data type and there are no repeating rows of data, which means rows are unique. This requires that:

  • Column data types should be atomic, which means columns shouldn’t have repeating groups, comma delimited groups, or other subatomic parts. This raises a question whether compund variables like Oracle’s arrays, lists, and objects violate first normal form.
  • Column names are unique in tables and arbitrarily ordered, which means their order doesn’t impose any constraint on the table.
  • Rows in a table have no implicit or explicit ordering required for their access and use.
  • Columns shouldn’t contain a repeating group in the context of a candidate key. This means that when you repeat all columns but one or a subset of columns, your model fails to meet the definition of first normal form.

Moreover, first normal form modeling finds the non-repeating rows and moves them from a base table to their own table. It removes all trace of the non-repeating rows from the base table. It also puts a foreign key in the new table that points back to the primary key of the base table. The foreign key in the new table is functionally dependent on the primary key in the base table.

Written by michaelmclaughlin

August 11th, 2018 at 4:38 pm

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